lip 22 2004

~~~love just is~~~

Komentarze: 8

When the night won't fall and the sun wont rise                                                                And you see the best as you close your eyes
When you reach the top as you bottom out
But you understand what it's all about

Nothing's ever what it seems
In your life or in your dreams
It don't make sense, what can you do?
So I won't try makin' sense of you

Love just is... whatever it may be
Love just is... you and me
Nothing less and nothing more
I don't know what I love you for
Love just is

When you ask to stay and then disappear
It seems you're gone but you're really here
When every move seems out of place
But every kiss is filled with grace

Some things never get defined
In your heart or in your mind
It don't make sense, what can you do?
So I won't try makin’ sense of you

Love just is... whatever it may be
Love just is... you and me
Nothing less and nothing more
I don't know what I love you for
Love just is

Don't ever ask me for reasons
I can't get to you
Don't ever ask me for reasons
Why I live for you... I just do
I just do

Nothing's ever what it seems
In your life or in your dreams
It don't make sense, what can you do?
So I won't try makin' sense of you

Love just is... whatever it may be
Love just is... you and me
Nothing less and nothing more
I don't know what I love you for
Love just is

xmarzena15 : :
23 lipca 2004, 05:40
dzieki wam wszystkim za kometarzyki hehe ...nio dobra napisze ta notke ..pozdrowionka papa...
23 lipca 2004, 05:35
no wlasnie tak jest i tyle :P..pozdroffka pa :*..
23 lipca 2004, 03:58
23 lipca 2004, 03:58
to znow ja :) chcialas miec duzo komentow jak wrucisz...
23 lipca 2004, 03:58
23 lipca 2004, 03:57
nio idaj nowa note!!!!! tylko nie az taka dlugo bo nie chce sie mi czytac:-/ i po polsku lepiej bo po angliku mi czytanie nie wychodzi;) heheh jk pozdrowka
23 lipca 2004, 03:53
eeee czytac mi sie nie chce ale widzisz odwiedzam bloczka i komentuje!!!!
22 lipca 2004, 08:48

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